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There are many conditions that demonstrate that the environment has a large impact on health. For example, cholera from polluted water supplies, increased cataracts from the sun, asthma from air pollution...
Firstly, familiarise yourself with your personal statement, there is a possibility that you may be asked a question about something you have specifically mentioned. You should have a general awareness of ...
Tectonic hazards are those caused by the movement of tectonic plates on the earth's surface, such as earthquakes and volcanoes. Primary effects occur as a direct result of the movement; for example, groun...
In Shelley's 'Frankenstein', it should be initially established that the opening narrative is in epistolary form: that is to say that written letters form the first few chapters to give the sailor Robert ...
Your introduction should clearly outline the points you will go on to make in the main body of the essay - the idea is to give the marker a good sense of the structure and purpose of your essay. Start wit...
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