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This tense is one of the past tense used to describe completed actions.It can often be confused with the imperfect tense- however the passé composé is used when the action is not continued into the presen...
Through this passage Shakespeare gives an insight into the hierarchical relationship between adults and young people during the 16th century. Specifically here, the relationship between father and daughte...
Truth and reality are two alternate concepts that Dario Fo distorts and superimposes so that they blend into one formulated structure. The spectators are left disorientated and confounded but still crucia...
Critical theory covers a broad spectrum of political and cultural movements – from Marxism and Feminism, to Eco-Criticism – that are primarily concerned with getting people to re-evaluate their assumption...
Diagram: https://i.imgur.com/LCMuewo.jpg Unemployment occurs when someone is actively looking for a job in the labour market but cannot find on...
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