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Bias is when an author is trying to influence the reader's opinion on a topic.Bias within a text can usually be recognised through the connotations of the author's word choice. If the majority of the word...
Eyewitness testimony is often inaccurate, and individuals are often overly and inaccurately confident in their memory of a specific event. As EWT can be influenced by a number of factors, including anxiet...
Whilst it may seem as though you are at a disadvantage for choosing your subject later in life it is very easy to catch up. Many people only make their choices in sixth form. Reading relevant books and ar...
In order for something to conduct electricity, there must be charged particles within the substance and these charged particles must be free to move.Metals consist of positive ions in a sea of delocalised...
Required features to includeA clear viewpointRelevant and detailed evidenceExplores both sides of the debateContextual knowledgeMust include:Reference to ‘lebensraum’ and racial inferiority CasualtiesCult...
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