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First of all, I'll give you an example of the same verb in those three different tenses, all in the first person singular. We'll use the verb "to read", or "lesen" in German.In present...
Salut tout le monde ! Voici mon blog, et aujourd'hui je vous parlerai de ma vie. Je suis étudiante, mais dans mon temps libre je joue du piano. Je le trouve gratifiant puisque cela me permet d...
Examiners want to see you properly engaging with any secondary material you use - it's important not to just drop it in and ignore it. Read a couple of secondary articles on your set texts and make sure t...
Introduction – Suggest that there is a shift change in audience sympathy towards both Bolingbroke and Richard across the course of the play. Set up the initial responses in the scene of Richard’s treatmen...
Negligence is ‘asking’ where a duty of care, as opposed to liability, exists. In Donoghue v Stevenson [1932] AC 562, Lord Atkin established that a duty of care existed between a manufacturer and ...
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