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This opening is one of a few standard question stems that exam boards use when phrasing questions. Other question stems may include 'How far do you agree', or 'Discuss how...' etc. To answer a question t...
Context for the Romantic poets can be quite straightforward as you can often reuse information for different poets. This is because they all lived in similar locations and at similar times, so the events ...
At the beginning of the extract, Goneril is presented to be frustrated and outraged. In particular, this can be seen by the repetition of the phrase 'a hundred knights'. Overall, the phrase appears three ...
A supremum is a number such that it is larger than all numbers in the given sequence. Although this is true for a maximum, the maximum has an additional property that it must be a member of the sequence s...
The subversion and loss of control serves to be an important meta-narrative in the Shakespearean tragedy of King Lear. Firstly, Shakespeare explores the loss of control through a lens of gender, as the p...
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