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I would first take into account all the variables - there are red, blue and purple counters, we know the ratio of red to blue and we know the probability of purple is 0.2.As I know the probability t...
Water Water is obtained from the soil into the roots of the plant. This occurs via osmosis, which is the movement of high water potential to low water potent...
The most important thing to note about this question is that we must differentiate implicitly. We must differentiate each term with respect to x. Using our differentiation rules we can see that our first ...
Number of particles of water = avogadro constant x amount in molTherefore6.02 x1023 x 0.75= 4.515 x1023There are 3 atoms in every molecule of water so we need to multiply the number ...
The irrational number e is one of the most important numbers in mathematics. The value of it is 2.718... but since it is irrational that is e to 4 significant figure, only. How can we calculate this numbe...
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