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First of all, you should bear in mind that a reading comprehension question does not require you to actually translate a sentence or passage, but rather to show knowledge of what is happening in it. There...
The first thing to note is that the book is sat on the table, so it is stationary. From newtons laws, we know it must have 0 total force acting on it. Every object on the earth feels a force downwards due...
E.M Forster published one of his more successful novels, ‘A Room with a View’ in 1908, after having written ‘Where Angels Fear to tread’ and ‘The Longest Journey’. One of the key themes within his novel i...
Chlorine has fewer shells than iodine - chlorine has 2 and iodine has 4. We know this by referring to the periodic table. This means its outer electrons are closer to the nucleus.Because ...
DNA helicase unwinds the DNA double strand / causing hydrogen bonds between complimentary base pairs to break / both single strands used as templates / DNA replication is semi conservative and semi discon...
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