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Vaccine contains dead or altered/weakened form of the disease-causing pathogen, which contains a specific antigen. The antigen stimulates an immune response, leading to <...
Philosophy is always conditioned by its medium of language; literature by its philosophy. French existentialists often wrote fictitiously to deliver their philosophy: Sartre’s La Nausee explores ...
Contextual references can make up an Assessment Objective on many English Literature marking schemes. It's important, however, to read through these mark schemes - as well as examiners' reports - to note ...
During DNA Replication, the existing molecule gets replicated, resulting in two semi-conservative DNA molecules. The enzyme helicase unwinds and unzips the double helix of the DNA, while ...
Red shift; this phenomena occurs as a result of the distant galaxies moving away from the Earth and all the wavelengths of electro-magnetic radiation being emitted are 'stretched' towards to the longer wa...
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