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The most important elements of nazi ideology were the following: uniting every german (aryan) nation, the denial of the Treaty of Versailles, and therefore the demand for the lost parts of Germany, the s...
The differential of a natural log function gives a fraction where the numerator is the first derivative of what we are taking the natural log of and the denominator is what we are taking the natural log o...
Descartes suggests, that if we assume that there is an evil power, who's only goal is to deceive us, exists, then we can not be certain about the nature of our reality. He uses many examples. In one of th...
When applying for any medical school, it is important to consider what makes you stand out as an individual. Of course, your personal statement, UKCAT/BMAT, A-Levels and often your GCSE grades are importa...
Four points are needed to answer this question or if you cannot remember four points you can then expand on two points in enough detail. Point 3 would be worth 2 marks.* USA banned all trade with Cuba and...
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