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Picking out any language devices such as a metaphor or simile can be helpful when it comes to analysing language. After recognising a device state a reason as to why it was being used, taking into account...
The Marxist understanding of the Family focuses on its role in the process of production. According to Engels, whose 'The Origins of the Family' is a major source for Marxist sociologists of kinship, the ...
In our experience of the world, everything that exists, exists because it has a cause. Nothing that exists is causeless. If so, what is it that causes everything that exists? The cosmological argument pos...
16 teams. Therefore, 1 team plays (16-1)x2=30 matches in a season. Total matches played = 30+28+26+...+2+0. 16 teams so total number of matches = 16 x (30+0)/2 =240Or each team plays 30 matches. 30x16=480...
As we know nlog(a) is the same as log(a)^n, we can rearrange the equation to log2(x+15)^2 -log2(x) = 6. Also, we know that log(a) - log(b) is equal to log(a/b), so we can fu...
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