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They are two different ways of justifying an ethical claim or view. An ethical claim might be, for example, "you should not eat meat." All ethical claims can be justified by both deontology and ...
The concept of original sin is a pivotal reference point whilst studying Conservatism. The profound beliefs towards human nature are underpinned by the doctrine of original sin, that all humans are born f...
La technologie joue un rôle essentiel dans ma vie aujourd’hui car, il faut se l’avouer, j’en suis dépendante. En effet, la technologie est devenu un aspect majeur dans ma vie quotidienne. Je m’en sers pou...
The first things that needs to be done if we are to read The Return of the Native for unconscious matter is to divorce ourselves from the anthropocentrism implicit in many existing readings of th...
1s2 2s2 2p6Na+ has +1 positive charge and therefore it has lost an electron.It loses its one electron in its 3s orbital as that electron is at the highest energy - h...
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