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To start, we need to complete the square of the equation. To do this, we divide the coefficient of x by 2. Here, 6/2=3. We then find (x+3)^2, which gives us the first part of the equation we want to expre...
La única manera para mejorar cualquiera lengua es en practicar. No es posible aprender un idioma nuevo sin practicar pero por supuesto hay maneras para hacerlo en una manera más eficaz. Hay una necesidad ...
Transformers are two coils of wire, coiled around each side of an iron core (primary and secondary). The primary coil has a potential difference supplied to it that drives the alternating current through ...
A structure is not always needed for English essays but it could help you to make sure you are hitting all the AOs that examiners are looking for. A basic structure is an introduction (where you signpost ...
In the poem ‘Nature’s Questioning’, Thomas Hardy’s intrinsic and subjective relationship with nature causes him to look to the natural world as a mouthpiece for questions that challenged Victorian thinkin...
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