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Solutes (e.g sucrose) are transported in the phloem from source to sink. Sucrose is made at the leaves in the plant, this is actively transported into th...
The purpose of glucose and sodium being transported across the epithelial cells of the small intestine is in order to move glucose across the cell against its concentration gradient. Because these two sub...
A synapse is the gap between two neurons. For an electrical impulse to travel from one neuron to the next, it must pass across a synapse.So, when an electrical impulse reaches the end of a neuron, ...
All living things share a certain set of characteristics. The acronym 'MRS NERG' is a helpful way to remember these characteristics:MovementRespirationSensitivityNutritionE<...
An individual's genotype is the allelles which they have inherited (alleles are different versions of genes). An individual's phenotype is the characteristics that their genotype code...
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