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An animal cell consists of many sub-cellular structures that allow it to live and function as part of the animals body. The cell consists of a cell membrane which houses all the cells components. Because ...
When the action potential arrives at the presynaptic end of the neurone or nerve ending, the influx of ions along the axon body results in the depolarisation of the nerve cell and the presynaptic membrane...
Background information I would give to the student: This question is a perfect example which shows that if you really understand the topic, it becomes easier to remember the facts for the questions relati...
The Nervous System can be split into three central pathways.The SNS and PNS are part of the Autonomic Nervous System, the autonomic nervous system is responsible for the involuntary actions of the human b...
Virus engulfed by phagocyte (broad immune response), destroyed using lysosomes (hydrolysis) and viral antigens presented on cell membrane (trigger specific immune response e.g. anti-bodies).<...
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