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Homeostasis can be defined as the maintenance of a constant internal environment despite various stresses in the external environment which may act to alter this stable state. The stable state that the bo...
Chi-squared is about establishing whether the difference in results between groups is likely to be due to chance, or due to some genuine difference in the groups' properties. It aims to answer the questio...
The iodine test - use a dropper to apply a little iodine onto a small sample of the food. If starch is present, the iodine will change colour from orange/brown to blue/black.
Across the membrane of a neuron, the membrane potential at rest is approximately -70mV. When a stimulus of some kind is detected by sensory receptors (for example the nociceptors on the skin surface which...
Atherosclerosis is a cardiovascular disease where fatty, cholesterol filled plaque builds up in the arteries, it is the main contributor to coronary artery disease. These plaques narrow the vessel and obs...
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