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First of all a nucelotide is the monomer that makes up DNA. Millions of monomers are joined together to form the double helix of a DNA molecule. A nucleotide is made of a pentose sugar (in the case of DNA...
This is a common question. After learning about translation in A-level biology and the importance of converting DNA into proteins (the building block of organisms), students often assume that all<...
A synapse s a junction between two neurones. Neurotransmitters are relased from one neurone and diffuses across the synapse to stimulate the next neurone.
Enzymes increase the rate of digestion. At body temperature it would be too slow without them. Enzymes break down large insoluble molecules into small soluble molecules so that they can be absored into th...
Ventilation is the process of moving air in and out of the lungs. This is brought about by pressure changes in the thoracic cavity. During inspiration, the diaphragm contracts causing it to flatten and mo...
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