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Detect surounding stimuli. Convert that information to impulses and send to the brain.
Active site of (enzyme) has a specific active site, complementary to (substrate). Only that (substrate) can bind to this active site to form an enzyme substrate complex.
We inherit two copies of a gene called alleles, one from each parent. The alleles we inherit from our parents can either be dominant or recessive. A dominant allele requires just one copy of the allele to...
Mitosis is a form of asexual reproduction in plants. A parent cell splits into 2 identical daughter cells. There are 46 Chromosomes in each cell and each chromosome is copied exactly, using chromatids to ...
Viruses are parasitic organisms that cannot survive outside a living host. They are considered to be non-living, however this still remains debatable amongst virologists. They infect their host and utilis...
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