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Blood glucose levels start to fall in the blood. Blood flowing through the pancreas is low in glucose, and this is sensed by cells in the pancreatic tissue. In response, it produces glucagon, (Answered by Eleanor G. • Biology tutor2770 Views
Mitosis is the seperation of DNA. There are 4 stages of mitosis that you need to be aware of for A level Biology: Prophase, Metahase, Anaphase and Telophase. (I like to remember this order as P.Mat)
46 chromosomes - all cells which undergo mitosis should maintain chromosome number
This question is asking you to explain how action potentials travel across neuromuscular junctions and how the closure of calcium ion channels would prevent the signal travelling across the junction, so w...
Membrane proteins on the inner membrane of the mitochondria carry the electrons from the reduced NAD and FAD along the membrane, causing the electrons to lose energy as they move down their energy levels....
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