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The human heart system is described as double circulatory becasue is has two seperate circuits. The first carries blood between the heart and the lungs and is known as the pulmonary circuit and the second...
When lactose is absent the lac operon is switched off. This is becasue a repressor protein is produced which binds to the operator region. This prevetns RNA polymerase from binding to the operon and there...
First DNA helicase unwinds the strand of DNA. Then, DNA polymerase binds to the anti-sense strand of the DNA and adds RNA nucleotides in a sequence complementary to the strand of DNA. The DNA polymerase c...
- Ca2+ voltage gated channels are activated due to an action potential reaching the synapse
- Acetylcholine rests in the pre-synaptic cleft
- They are stored in vesicles
- The cal...
The potential or information travels between a pre-synaptic and a post-synaptic neuron. As a reminder, for information, we intend the flow of Na+ and K+ ions between two locations. When t...
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