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Mutations of pathogens produce new strains. Vaccinations may no longer be effective against these new strains. Vaccinations would kill non-resistant strain pathogens. However, resistant strain pathogens w...
Vaccines are small quantities of dead or inactive forms of a pathogen (disease). Vaccines stimulate white blood cells to produce antibodies. These antibodies destroy the pathogensthis makes the person imm...
The binomal system was invented by Carl Linnaeus in the 1700s. Latin binomials are names we use to identify different species. They come in two parts ('bi' means two, and 'nomial' means name) which identi...
There are differnet ways that substances can move across a cell surface; simple diffusion, facilitated diffusion, osmosis or active transport. Most substances can move across the cell membrane via simple ...
Succession initiates in regions where there are very harsh conditions and so no organisms are able to survive (therefore little biodiveristy);
-a pioneer species with good adaptaions are able to su...
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