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To answer this question, you need to know what the reflex arc is and why we need it. The reflex arc is a pathway of neurones (nerve cells) and their connections (synapses) that doesn't go through the cons...
WIth Biology it is very important that you use specific words and many marks schemes require you to say a specific word such as monomer/ hydrolysis/ allele in order to get the mark. I found that when I wo...
your skin covers almost all parts of your body to prevent infection from pathogens, your nose has hairs within them which act as a physical barrier to infection, mucus is produced by goblet cells in your ...
To produce ATP via the process of aerobic respiration, which can then be used as fuel for other cellular processes.
Insulin is the hormone that controls how glucose gets into your cells to give them energy after you eat. If you think of your cells having a lock on them and insulin is the key. Once your food is digested...
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