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Students must select 1 of the following:
a) Motor - Sensory - Relay b) Effector - Relay - Motor c) Sensory - Relay - Motor d) Relay - Motor - Sensory
The correct answer is C.
When a s...
At rest a nerve cell or fiber has more sodium (NA+) ions in the extracellular fluid and more potassium (K+) ions in the intracellular fluid. There are both NA+ and K+ ion channels in the membrane of the n...
Of course. Spermatogenesis takes place in the seminiferous tubules of the testis. The germinal epithelium cells, which are in the wall of the seminiferous tubule, first differentiate into diploid spermato...
Synapses are junctions between nerves. They allow information (impulses) to be transferred from one nerve to the next. The first nerve conducts an electrical impulse across its length, which causes it to ...
Similarities Nucleotides consist of pentose sugar, phosphate and base
Differences RNA: ribose (sugar) single stranded Made in the nucleus but can move outside it U, A, G, C bases
DNA: deoxyr...
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