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The diaphragm contracts and flattens out, increasing the volume of the thorax and decreasing the pressure in there. This causes a pressure gradient between the thorax and the outside air, so air flows int...
As part of homeostasis, it is vital for the human body to maintain blood glucose levels within a narrow range. The 2 main hormones involved are insulin, when glucose levels are too high, and glucagon, whe...
Firstly, an enzyme is a specific protein with a unique shape. The main aim of an enzyme is to CATALYSE a reaction. This means, the reaction is sped up, but the concentrations of reactants or products are ...
A synapse is gap between two neurones. When a nerve impulses travels along the axon reaches the end of the pre-synaptic neurone, the release of chemical messengers (called neurotransmitters) is triggered....
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