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The main difference is that in competitive inhibition, the inhibitor binds directly to the active site of the enzyme. This therefore prevents the substrate from binding to the enzyme and forming the enzym...
So the exam is coming up. Your University place is at stake. You're parents are counting on you. Don't panic!
Before you consider diving into that pile of revision you've forsaken for the Game Of T...
To provide all the necessary information needed for cell survival and also pass down crucial information to its daughter cells (either through meiosis or mitosis).
Questions involving processes in respiration and photosynthesis usually give high marks in the Biology A level AQA unit 4 papers. By understanding and learning key parts of the processes, you can ensure y...
To start with, let’s just quickly define an enzyme. An enzyme is a biological molecule that is able to speed up a reaction. Without the presence of enzymes, certain reactions just wouldn’t be able to take...
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