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It is all to do with the movement of ions in and out of the neurone cell, which changes the potential difference accross the cell's membrane.
- In a neurone's resting state, the inside o...
A response controlled by relative light and dark periods. The name of the receptors responsible for absorbing light are phytochromes. The photoperiodic stimulus is detected by the Answered by Amy O. • Biology tutor5304 Views
A stimulus (for example a pin) stimulates the receptor which causes a nerve impulse in the sensory neuron. The impulse travels to a synapse in the spinal cord, where chemicals diffuse across the gap in th...
The rate of chemical reactions within the body.
Okay, so here we have what seems like a very daunting list of chemical reactions to remember that don't seem to make any sense! But don't worry, with practice you wi...
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