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Outsourcing is when a business subcontracts a process to another organisation. Turners, a famous hotel has found increasing difficulty keeping up with competitors and as such is considering whether outsou...
Cash flow is all the money flowing in and out of a business. This is calculated at the exact time actual cash enters or leaves a business bank account or till. Profit is calcuated by calculating ALL trans...
Start the question by defining what is an inferior good - An inferior good is a type of good for which demand declines as the level of income or real GDP in the economy i...
The options of internal growth in a company are: - Increase existent production through innovation in technology or investment in new capital - Creation of new productions - Finding new markets such as a ...
The 4 main leaderships styles include; autocratic, bureaucratic, democratic, and laissez-faire.
The autocratic leadership style may be seen as the more classical approach, wherein the manager retai...
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