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This is to do with the definition of a transition metal (TM). A TM is a metal which loses electrons to form an ion with an incomplete D subshell. Scandiums most stable ion is a Sc3+ ion losing both the el...
Successive ionization energies increase because for the same nuclear charge (positive pull of the nucleus) there are fewer electrons each time one is removed, thus more energy is required to remove succes...
Crude oil is separated into fractions in a process called fraction distillation. The crude oil mixture is separated in a distillation column. The column is hot at the bottom and cool at the top. Fractiona...
The forward reaction in the Harber process is exothermic. Following Le Chatelier's principle, the reaction would therefore be favoured by using lower temperatures, increasing the yield of ammonia at equil...
Mix with bromine water (orange), if a double bond is present (alkenes) then the bromine water will be decolourised.
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