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Ionisation energy is the energy required to remove the most loosely bound (furthest out) electron from an atom, in the gaseous state. As you move down a group in the periodic table, the number of...
Several d-metal complexes show colour. This is because their d-orbitals are not degerate in energy levels. Instead the d-orbitals split, some having higher energy than average and some lower than avera...
Bonding is when two atoms join together; this happens through movements of electrons to help create a full outer shell of electrons. Ionic bonding is when this takes place between a metal and non metal...
A greenhouse gas is one which absorbs infrared radiation from the Earth and re-radiates it, increasing the surface temperature of the Earth. Normally these molecules are non-symmetrical such as triflur...
The reaction is as follows:
2H2 + O2 -> 2H2O
This means that for every 2 molecules of Hydrogen gas, one...
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