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Let's try to find the answer of this question by looking at what Brecht wrote in 'The Street Scene', which is his approach to the model for epic theatre. To examine how epic theatre works he suggests that...
You should first identify the live production you will be using at the basis of your answer, one that you have seen recently either live or as a recording of a live performance. You should then provide a ...
Start by splitting the production into different categories. This could be: Overall Directorial VisionCasting and CharacterisationSet & PropsCostumeSoundLightingIf you have a copy of the text note dow...
'The Good Person of Szechwan’ is a didactic play written by Bertolt Brecht produced in 1943 and published in 1953. The play explores the impossibility of being morally good in a capitalist society, follow...
Firstly, I would want to address the three main aspects of drama/theatre that could be used to communicate a relationship: spatial relations and proxemics, non-verbal communication and verbal communicatio...
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