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In terms of structure, the two are not all that different: ELATs just allow you a lot more freedom. A-level essays are of course limited by a set syllabus, by your revision, by the other essays you've got...
The ELAT should be broken in to 3 stages:
First I’d make some general points like…It is important to get a sense of what the piece is about before you do anything – always read an unseen twice if not three times so that you could summarise it in ...
The ELAT is an unsual test for one main reason: it has no questions. Instead you are faced with six poems or extracts from texts, which all have a shared theme. Themes in the past have included Journey...
In truth, only your teacher can know due to Oxford's marking system which means that only qualified teachers have access to the marking scheme. However, what they are looking for is a well articulated ...
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