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Analysis of any extract, fictional or non fictional, should begin with reading for meaning. Keep in mind that the writer did not write the text with the intention of it being filled with literary techniqu...
Semantic (or sometimes called lexical) fields are a technique often used by writers to keep a certain image persistent in their readers' mind. They are a collection of words which are related to one an...
The four main theorists and theories in the field of child language acquisition are as follows:
The innateness theory - Noam Chomsky. This theory suggests that chil...
‘UN unveils plans to eliminate child labour by 2020’ by Randeep Ramesh. What do you understand from the article about the issues of child labour?Questions of this type are very open, but are easy to answ...
Presentational features refer to the way a text is set out on a page, which can include for example the use of images and colour, logos, slogans, shapes, font style and size etc. You need to demon...
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