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Before you start writing, you need a clear idea of what you are arguing for. First, look at the question and just try to answer it in your own head, or on paper if you like, in the most basic terms you ca...
First, I would breakdown exactly what the question is asking in relation to the question word. Then, I would decide which of the poems in the anthology are most strongly related to the theme of separation...
When approaching the unseen poetry task, it's important to write a clear, structured essay with relevant information about the authorial methods used. The student shouldn't panic about not being familiar ...
An introduction begins an essay in the most clear and concise way possible. It's important to immediately state what texts you'll be analysing and refer to any authors using their whole name the first tim...
Firstly and most importantly, I would recommend reading the question carefully, making sure you understand it. If there is a passage that comes alongside it, do give yourself time to read carefully and se...
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