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Shakespearean themes can quite often easily be explored through the concept of a thematic dichotomy. A dichotomy is the construction of opposing ideas presented through the narrative to convey the writer'...
Priestly's opening stage directions already condemn Mrs Birling as "a rather cold woman". At the same time, however, Priestly continually describes her as "his [Mr Birling's] wife" in ...
Many of Philip Larkin;s poems engage with the theme of death, notably 'Dockery and Son' and 'Days'. These poems provide musings on death with bleak narratives in Larkin's often cynical tone, as Larkin lam...
A symbol is often an object that is described in a text which has a deeper meaning than what it may seem at surface level. It appears singularly or few times throughout a novel or play, for example, flyin...
For an essay where you are comparing two texts I would recommend comparing both texts throughout the whole essay in order to show clear engagement with them together, as supposed to writing solely about o...
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