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It is always wise to open an answer on literary device with a definition. Allegory refers to a narrative or section of writing which 'conceals' or 'symbolizes' a parallel or secondary meaning. Then, refer...
-Make use of any contextual notes/dates-Read through both poems for content (look especially for potential similarities as this may at first appear to be quite different)-Think about the mood of each poem...
A good place to start from when planning or writing any essay is to imagine what it might look like at the end, and the same goes for writing your introduction. A good introduction should start by introdu...
When first reading Bennett’s ‘The History Boys’ one may assume that the boys “know more” than the staff on the basis of their condescending nature and their naturally bright aptitudes, despite their relat...
Throughout Act 5 scene 5, Shakespeare presents Lady Macbeth's giult through her sleepwalking, particulary using the symbol of blood. The character is seen to repeatedly wash her hands, while saying "...
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