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Rather than planning for different exam-style questions, focus on planning for a topic. A topic can be defined as either a theme, character or plot-thread that is easily ...
Tennessee Williams’ 1947 play ‘A Streetcar Named Desire’ presents the character Blanche DuBois as an aging southern belle whose confused attitude to sexuality creates inner conflict within herself. Willia...
I would firstly recommend that the student spends 5-10 minutes creating a rough outline of their initial thoughts and ideas for this essay question before I even suggest any interpretations of this text. ...
In "Goblin Market" Christina Rossetti uses simile, and sense words to highlight the theme of sensation. In the first stanza, the description of different fruits intially indicates a relation to ...
Lighting is an integral part of the construction of Blanche's character in Williams' play. Blanche is constantly fleeing into her own fantasy; light represents the harsh realities following her while the ...
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