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Golding uses the theme of civilisation vs. savagery throughout the novel which is predominantly portrayed through Piggy and Jack. Piggy, like Ralph represents order and leadership, whereas Jack represents...
While Volpone is considered a comedy, with its farciscal and amusingly convoluted scams suceeding and failing consistently; the final scene of the play asks the audience to judge Volpone themselves; sugge...
Poetry can be complicated and vague, with many subtle layers of meaning, but when you’re writing an analytical response to it, you want to be clear, concise, and structured in your answers; especially sin...
To make sure that your essay is structured and your arguments progress logically, it is key that you create a plan. A plan will allow you to determine what you think about a text, that is, what arguments ...
The two novels seek to show, in conveying their relationship with a man, the deterioration of a woman’s organic persona – one which goes against the archetypal image of the time. In Wuthering Heights, Cat...
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