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Every exam board in A-Levels considers it essential to have an understanding of the text at hand, but that is often not enough to reach the highest marks. What helped me get full marks on my English Liter...
Ted Hughes is a poet whose work is very often concerned with the natural world and the creatures that inhabit it. This focus is seen from the very start of his career, with his 1957 anthology The Haw...
What kind of different "love" are there? Family, romantic, platonicThe Nurse as a surrogate mother to Juliet (how does this compare to Juliet's relationship to her father? What are other parenta...
While it is important to have an understanding of some historical context in order to understand elements of the text that may be obviously appealing to a certain historical movement or issue, it is impor...
Picking out any language devices such as a metaphor or simile can be helpful when it comes to analysing language. After recognising a device state a reason as to why it was being used, taking into account...
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