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When writing an essay, you need only say what is necessary. Waffling can lead to confusing your point and losing precious marks! My first tip would be to make a clear plan when beginning writing; note you...
In an exam you shouldn't spend too much time on your introduction and conclusion as most of your marks come from the main bulk of the essay. A good place to start with an introduction is looking at the ke...
The way in which an essay is structured makes a huge difference to its effectivity and is one of the key criteria in receiving a good mark. The first crucial component of a successful essay is a good intr...
Mary Shelley's 'Frankenstein' (1818) deals with the transgression of bodily and scientific limitations, and portrays the disastrous consequences of doing so. The Monster is, both within the world of the n...
What is most important when answering an essay question like this is an exam is planning. You need to make sure that you cover as many points as possible - but more importantly, that you cover them in det...
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