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At the end of each of the poems, we see that the speakers have different perspectives on how the effect power has. In Ozymandias, he has learnt that power eventually fades away and “nothing besid...
In short, Yes and no. It can be argued that for some people, dialect is strongly determined by where they live or grow up - ie accent and dialect features such as vowels or method of negation; however, so...
Firstly, you should identify the point of view of the speaker - are they first person, second person or third person? Is the narrator a character within the sto...
In The Great Gatsby and Great Expectations, F. Scott Fitzgerald and Charles Dickens, respectively, build tension by placing the climax of their novels towards the end of their narratives...
It's one of the verbal moods available in English, along with the indicative ('I eat this') and imperative ('eat this!'). It is always used in conjunction with the main clause: 'I suggest he eatAnswered by Anna W. • English tutor1392 Views
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