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It might seem like a big question but split a plan into THREE blocks which can make it easier. Once you feel more confident, you can see how these blocks link and overlap to build an answer to the QUESTIO...
This questions allows itself to be discuss in varying different manners linked perfectly to the marking criteria of both a GCSE and A Level spec. The ambiguity of both "sense" and the abso...
Pathetic fallacy is when the weather is concurrent with the mood of a story, event or moment.eg: As they stood gathered around the grave, a steady drizzle invaded every part of their clothes.eg: She jumpe...
E.M Forster published one of his more successful novels, ‘A Room with a View’ in 1908, after having written ‘Where Angels Fear to tread’ and ‘The Longest Journey’. One of the key themes within his novel i...
In 'The Merchant of Venice', Shylock is positioned by Shakespeare as villainous through most of the play; other characters refer to him as "Jew-dog" or simply as "the Jew", relying on ...
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