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In French, we have two main different types of past tense. These are passé composé and the imparfait but for today we'll focus on le passé composé. Composé means compound in French, what's a compound? (Yo...
When a verb ends with er: it is an infinitive Whereas: when a verb ends with é it is past tenseA way to make the difference while writing Is: replace the verb by a 3rd verb group and see if it makes...
Example answers: Je fais du recyclage. Je trie les déchets. Je prends des douches courtes. J'éteins les lumières.
This question aims to make the difference between a mother tongue and the other languages spoken by an individual. Here, the aim is to make the student discuss the subtlety between the different languages...
Firstly, we use 'depuis' to describe an action that began in the past and continues into the present. It is formed with 'depuis' and the verb in the present tense. For example; "J'écoute de la mausiq...
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