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The three main types are; constructive (divergent), destructive (convergent) and conservative. The most straightforward one is conservative, which is where two plate boundaries slide against each other in...
Firstly UAE is a energy very-secure country, it has the world’s fourth largest oil reserves. However in aspects of water and food it is very insecure. Food security is dependent on both water and e...
A multiple hazard zone is a location where two or more geophysical and hydrometeorological hazards can occur at any point. An example of this is the Philippines; it is susceptible to the occurrence of Typ...
These are marked through response marking and how the student formats their answer. You need to state two points and elaborate upon them to achieve full marks. For example: explain how global warming can ...
Two oceanic plates are converging and the faster moving or slightly denser one subducts. The basaltic rock of the subducted plate starts to melt and rises through the mantle to form a submarine volcano. O...
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