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As cities expand through increasing urbanisation, the impacts of human activity on the drainage basin and, subsequently, flood risk are becoming clearer. From clearance of forest to covering of land with ...
The main reason why economic migrants move away from their country of origin is down to opportunity's and employment. Often those who move are unemployed and struggling to find work in their own country d...
The command word is ‘evaluate’, requiring you to assess the relative importance or validity of the evidence. Therefore, your conclusion should include a judgement, for example, of the most or least import...
Typically this question would show up as an essay question in an exam. To start (introduction), the case study of choice must be highlighted, with a brief insight into who is responsible ...
(This would be the first paragraph following the introduction)Geography can have a huge affect on the likelihood of a country being susceptible to high rates of poverty. For example, countries in th...
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