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The Demographic Transition Model (DTM) shows how the population of a country changes over its development. The model shows the relationship between the birth rate, death rate and total population of a cou...
A corrie is an armchair shaped depression on a mountain slope left by a cirque glacier. These are the steps leading to its formation: 1) Snow collects in a hollow on a mountain slope (normally the north f...
The social learning theory was proposed by Bandura and Walters (1963), it suggests that children can learn aggression through observation and imitation of other people. Aggression is learnt primarily thro...
River cliffs are features of meanders. In a meander the outside bank is where the Thalweg flows(fastest flowing part of the river), this means the velocity is greatest here so there is more available ener...
Climate change is likely to cause multiple impacts globally on both people and the environment. One of the greatest threats posed by climate change is that of sea level rise. This means low lying countrie...
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