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During the HAT, its extremely likely you’ll encounter unfamiliar periods. The exam is usually split in two: one section demands that you use your own knowledge in innovative ways. The second section will ...
Question 3 of the HAT paper is perhaps the hardest to prepare for since it typically uses obscure sources from periods you're likely to be unfamiliar with. But rather than be alarmed by this, you should r...
Question 3 is the longest and trickiest of the HAT questions. It’s also worth a significant portion of the marks (40/100) and therefore seems somewhat daunting. But there’s no need to worry - you can real...
Question three on the paper is the question that many students find the trickiest in my experience of tutoring. This is because the question "what does this source reveal about society" is so wi...
Although the HAT papers say that you need no prior knowledge for the test, it's actually very helpful to learn as many facts as you can about a few topics. This is because an essay cannot be good if it is...
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