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.class1{ background-color: 'green'; } The full-stop before the text indicates that this css rule applies to a class with the name 'class1'.Inside the rule, the background-color attribute is given a value ...
<b> </b> Bold<i></i> Italic<u></u> Underlined<s> </s> Strike
For implementing animations we need a couple of tools. One tool is CSS itself. We can create classes and describe the animations there. There are frameworks which are open source and give you a pre-writte...
HTML (Hypertext markup Language) can be thought of as the blueprint for a website. It defines the structure and content of the page in a way that can be easily understood by the browser that receives it.C...
You’ll first need to place the CSS file in a folder that you can call upon. In this example the file named “stylesheet” is in a sub folder of the main directory called “style”. Therefore, the directory pa...
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