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Most GCSE papers are split between a number of short answer questions worth a few marks and then one or two longer 'essay-style' questions which are worth considerably more. The key thing to focus on is e...
A good way of answering this question is by examining the various ideologies that played a role in WW2 and the ways in which they brought about conflict. The key ideological battles to be analysed are tho...
It's really easy to do in history; you have so much to say and so little time in which to say it. Organisation is key here, both in your revision and your exam method. It is worth identifying the key even...
INTRO - Tsar, 1855-81. Attempts to modernise an empire lagging behind the major powers of the mid to late 19th century. Why? How? What were Alexander’s true intentions?
Why? Did Alexander embark on...
The most significant difference between GCSE and A-level history is the amount of emphasis markers place on analysis, interpretation and evaluation. For example, if we use the question “To what extent was...
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