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By studying the nature of the Attlee governments’ election manifestos and deciding the extent to which these were acted upon, it is possible to discern how far th...
United States President Ronald Reagan renewed the Cold War in the early 1980's by regularly using strong anti-communist rhetoric, labelling the Soviet Union an 'Evil Empire' and significantly increasing m...
It would be easy to attribute Hitler's rise to power in 1933 to just one factor. However there are a lot of different elements which played an important role in Hitler's acquisition of power. Firstly, the...
Propaganda was used to create a glorified and idealised image of Stalin which eventually reached its apex with the Cult of Stalin. By presenting himself as this paternal/god like figure, Stalin was able t...
Aspects of the Weimar which extended the rights of citizen: the Bill of Rights, all men and women over the age of 20 having the vote, elected president and parliament (Reichstag) which made the laws and a...
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