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What I like to do first is to analyze the essay question, what they are asking for and how you should write down the information needed. A...
Example question: How far were economic pressures a decisive factor in persuading Saddam Hussein to invade Kuwait in 1990?
As this is an A-Level question, the cand...
My top tip for remembering dates is, grab a family member (mums are least likely to say no) and talk them thorugh your history curriculum. If when you're teaching them, you find big gaps in your knowledge...
The best piece of advice that I can give when approaching source based essay questions, is to go down a more analytical rather than descriptive approach. It is important to look at what the source is t...
One of the most important things to consider when approaching a source based question, is to consider the context of the text. This can be done by thinking 'who, what, when, and where?'
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