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The most important elements of nazi ideology were the following: uniting every german (aryan) nation, the denial of the Treaty of Versailles, and therefore the demand for the lost parts of Germany, the s...
Four points are needed to answer this question or if you cannot remember four points you can then expand on two points in enough detail. Point 3 would be worth 2 marks.* USA banned all trade with Cuba and...
On July 15th 1099 Jerusalem, recently captured by the Fatimids of the Egyptian Sultan, Al-Musta'li, fell to the crusaders. With their victory, three years of campaign came to a victorious end; the assuran...
During the decades before WW2, the Nazi party headed by Adolf Hitler gained in popularity, with Hitler becoming Chancellor of Germany in 1933. In 1928 the Nazi Party held 12 seats in the Reichstag (German...
A strong case can be made for the importance of individuals in bringing about the end of the cold war. Ronald Reagan became the 40th president of the United States in 198...
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